Ganesham Electronics

Ganesham Electronics

Bhuwana - Udaipur

+91 +912945158885
Ganesham Electronics
02-18 to 19, The Celebration Mall, Udaipur
get direction

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Ganesham is the flagship store of Chandra Group in Retail Electronic Segment started in 2003 as India’s largest Electro-Tech Supermarket, It has paved the way for concepts like multi brand, multi product & shopping like abroad experience. Since then our many retail outlets have served as a one-stop hub, beating the trend of counter to counter shopping with its luxurious and spacious interiors and relaxing atmosphere.

With a vision of opening retail stores across India, Ganesham Retail chains have been opened across Rajasthan in various cities including small villages. There are 85+ stores and the number is still growing. To know more about Ganesham retail chains and to become a franchisee log on to www.chandraindia.com Ganesham is the flagship store of Chandra Group in Retail Electronic Segment started in 2003 as India’s largest Electro-Tech Supermarket, It has paved the way for concepts like multi brand, multi product & shopping like abroad experience. Since then our many retail outlets have served as a one-stop hub, beating the trend of counter to counter shopping with its luxurious and spacious interiors and relaxing atmosphere.


  • Mobiles
  • TV
  • Refrigerator
  • Washing Machine
  • Camera
  • Air Conditioner
  • Other Home Appliances

Shopping places in udaipur