Hotel Gangotri

Hotel Gangotri

Surajpole - Udaipur

+91 9414233452
Hotel Gangotri
opposite Ashoka cinema, Surajpole, Udaipur
get direction

Visitor Count


When you call, don't forget to mention that you found this details on udaipurmart.com

We are in the hospitable business. We care for your stay in the lake city , Udaipur. If you are seeking some place matching your standards of living and comfort zone, then we are the most suitable place to visit . We have the guest house facility providing all the facilities asked by the customers in general. We take care of the customers requirements and try to completely satisfy our customers in the best possible way . we have taxi service also available for the tourists that stay at our place for the purpose of having glance to the beautiful lake city.

We have all types of rooms available, including A.C and non A.C rooms as required by the people. We have a dedicated staff who look into all your needs on a regular basis. Servicing of rooms are done regularly . we also serve food if asked as we have hotel business as well.

We also have coolers n some of our rooms , if required specifically. Each room is facilitated by attached washrooms.

Our feedback from the past customers is very positive. We look forward to improve our services in all possible ways so as to enhance our hospitability. We have very nominal charges. For new tourists we have guide facilities also available. We believe in the principle of “ATITHI DEVO BHAV”. Be our Guest.


  • Hotel service
  • Guest house
  • Taxi service
  • Guide service


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